Mrs Wilson
Mrs Wilson's portrait is drawn by Isabelle (Year 6) in the style of Vermeer. (You can find out more about the artist at the bottom of this page.)
Mrs Wilson is a Year 2 teacher. We asked her some questions to find out more about her:
What was your dream job when you were a child?
Ski racer
What do you like to do when you're not at school?
I like to read and go on countryside walks with my family or friends.
If you could sit next to anyone (dead or alive) on a bench to chat to them, what would you ask them/chat about?
I would choose to sit next to Queen Elizabeth and ask her all about the important people that she has met and what they are really like away from the media.
If you could visit anywhere in the world for a day, where would you go and why?
I have changed my mind on this question many times! I would go to Whistler, Canada, in the winter as I used to work there and have many happy memories there.
Johannes Vermeer
Johannes Vermeer (baptised October 31, 1632, Delft, Netherlands—buried December 16, 1675, Delft) was a Dutch artist who created paintings that are among the most beloved and revered images in the history of art. Although only about 36 of his paintings survive, these rare works are among the greatest treasures in the world’s finest museums. Vermeer began his career in the early 1650s by painting large-scale biblical and mythological scenes, but most of his later paintings—the ones for which he is most famous—depict scenes of daily life in interior settings. These works are remarkable for their purity of light and form, qualities that convey a serene, timeless sense of dignity. Vermeer also painted cityscapes and allegorical scenes.